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17 Best tips for home service marketers to grow their business

17 Best tips for home service marketers to grow their business

Business Advice
Shannon Ketchum // February 27, 2023

17 Best tips for home service marketers to grow their business

When marketing your home service business, there are a lot of things to consider. Some things you need to do right away, like creating a professional website and investing in paid advertising so that you can get the phone ringing, but other things like getting involved in your local community and partnering with local businesses can be done later when your business is more established.

In this article, we provide you with 17 tips on ways to grow your business. Some of them don't cost any money and others require an investment that will pay off in the long run. Marketing is absolutely crucial in any business and no matter what you're doing, don't forget the power of word of mouth. Keep reading to see our 17 tips.

Tip #1 Create a professional website

A professional website is crucial for home service businesses as it serves as the first point of contact for potential customers. It provides a platform for businesses to showcase their services, build brand awareness, and establish credibility in the market.

By having a well-designed and optimized website, home service businesses can easily attract and retain customers, improve their online visibility, and increase their revenue. Additionally, a professional website allows businesses to offer online booking and payment options, thereby providing convenience and ease of access to their customers. This, in turn, helps to boost customer satisfaction and loyalty, ultimately leading to higher customer retention and repeat business.

Tip #2 Optimize for local search

Local SEO is crucial for home service businesses as it helps to increase their visibility in local search results and attract customers who are searching for services in their local area. By optimizing their website and online presence for local search, home service businesses can improve their rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs) and increase their chances of being found by potential customers.

Local SEO strategies such as creating local business listings, optimizing website content with relevant keywords, and building quality backlinks from local websites can help businesses to increase their local search visibility and reach their target audience more effectively.

One of the most important steps is to claim and optimize your Google My Business listing. By creating a comprehensive and accurate listing, you can ensure that your business appears in local search results and on Google Maps, making it easier for potential customers to find you. Be sure to include your business's name, address, phone number, website, hours of operation, and other relevant information.

Another effective strategy is to use local keywords in your website content and metadata. By incorporating location-based keywords into your website, you can increase your chances of ranking for local search queries and attract more local customers to your business. Be sure to include local keywords in your page titles, meta descriptions, and content, while still maintaining high-quality, informative content.

Building quality backlinks from local websites and directories is also important. By getting links from other local businesses, directories, and websites, you can improve your website's domain authority, which can help to improve your local search rankings.

Finally, be sure to encourage customer reviews and respond to them promptly. Positive customer reviews not only help to build trust and credibility with potential customers, but they also contribute to your local search rankings.

In summary, optimizing for local search involves a combination of strategies; including claiming and optimizing your Google My Business listing, using local keywords, building quality backlinks, and encouraging customer reviews. By implementing these strategies, home service businesses can improve their local search rankings, attract more customers, and ultimately grow their business.

Moreover, by focusing on local SEO, home service businesses can build trust and credibility within their local communities, which can lead to higher customer retention and increased word-of-mouth referrals.

Local SEO is a critical component of any home service business's digital marketing strategy, as it can help them to stand out in a crowded market, reach their target audience more effectively, and ultimately grow their business.

Tip #3 Use social media to your advantage

Social media can be a powerful marketing tool for home service businesses, as it provides a platform to connect with potential customers and engage with existing ones. By using social media effectively, businesses can build brand awareness, increase their online presence, and ultimately drive more traffic and revenue to their business.

One of the most important tips for using social media effectively is to post regularly and consistently. This not only helps to keep your audience engaged but also shows that your business is active and responsive. Be sure to post a mix of promotional and educational content that adds value to your audience.

Engaging with customers and followers is also essential. Respond promptly to comments and direct messages, and show appreciation for positive feedback. This not only helps to build relationships with your customers but also shows potential customers that you value their input and feedback.

In addition, use social media to showcase your services, team, and facilities. Post high-quality photos and videos that provide a behind-the-scenes look at your business and highlight your unique selling points.

Finally, use social media to run promotions and giveaways, as this can help to incentivize new customers to try your services and encourage existing customers to refer their friends and family.

In summary, social media can be a powerful marketing tool for home service businesses, and it's essential to use it effectively by posting regularly, engaging with customers, showcasing your services, and running promotions. By doing so, businesses can build brand awareness, increase their online presence, and ultimately grow their business.

Tip #4 Utilize email marketing

Email marketing is a powerful tool for home service businesses, as it allows businesses to reach out to existing and potential customers directly with personalized and relevant content. It can be an effective way to build customer loyalty, increase customer retention, and drive sales.

One of the most important tips for creating effective email campaigns is to segment your email list. By segmenting your list based on customer demographics, behavior, and interests, you can send more targeted and relevant content to your subscribers, which can lead to higher engagement and conversion rates.

Another effective strategy is to use A/B testing to test different email elements such as subject lines, calls to action, and email design. By testing and analyzing the results of different variations, businesses can optimize their email campaigns for maximum impact.

Personalization is also essential. Use the recipient's name in the subject line and throughout the email, and tailor the content to their specific interests and needs. This can help to make the email feel more personalized and engaging.

Finally, be sure to include a clear and concise call to action in each email, and make it easy for customers to take the desired action, such as booking an appointment or making a purchase. This can help to drive conversions and ultimately lead to increased revenue for the business.

In summary, email marketing can be a powerful tool for home service businesses, and it's essential to use it effectively by segmenting your email list, using A/B testing, personalizing your content, and including clear calls to action. By doing so, businesses can increase customer engagement, drive sales, and ultimately grow their business.

Kickserv includes an integration with Mailchimp, a powerful email marketing tool with all of the functionality outlined above.

Tip #5 Implement a referral program

A referral program can be an effective way for home service businesses to grow their customer base and increase revenue. By incentivizing existing customers to refer their friends and family, businesses can tap into a valuable source of new leads and potential customers.

One of the most important tips for creating a successful referral program is to offer incentives for referrals. This can be in the form of discounts, free services, or other rewards that are valuable to both the referrer and the referred. By providing a clear and attractive incentive, businesses can motivate existing customers to refer their friends and family.

Another effective strategy is to promote the referral program to customers. This can be done through email campaigns, social media posts, and in-person conversations with customers. By raising awareness of the program and reminding customers of the benefits of referring their friends and family, businesses can encourage more referrals and increase the effectiveness of the program.

It's also important to make the referral process as easy and streamlined as possible. Provide customers with clear instructions on how to refer others and make it easy for them to do so. This can be done by providing a referral link or code that customers can share with their network.

Finally, be sure to track and reward successful referrals. This can help to keep customers engaged with the program and motivated to continue referring others in the future.

In summary, a referral program can be an effective way for home service businesses to grow their customer base and increase revenue, and it's essential to create a successful program by offering incentives, promoting the program to customers, making the referral process easy, and tracking and rewarding successful referrals. By doing so, businesses can tap into a valuable source of new leads and potential customers and ultimately grow their business.

Tip #6 Offer promotions and discounts

Promotions and discounts can be effective ways to attract new customers to home service businesses. By offering incentives to try out their services, businesses can entice potential customers to give them a chance and start building a relationship with them.

One of the most important tips for creating effective promotions is to offer limited-time discounts. By creating a sense of urgency and exclusivity, businesses can encourage potential customers to take action and try out their services before the promotion ends.

Another effective strategy is to bundle services together to create more value for the customer. For example, a cleaning service could offer a discounted rate for customers who book multiple services at once. This can encourage customers to try out more of the business's services and can lead to higher lifetime customer value.

It's also important to promote the promotion effectively. This can be done through social media, email marketing, and in-person conversations with customers. By raising awareness of the promotion and reminding customers of the benefits of trying out the business's services, businesses can increase the effectiveness of the promotion and attract more new customers.

Finally, be sure to track the results of the promotion and make adjustments as needed. This can help businesses optimize their promotions over time and ensure that they are getting the best return on their investment.

In summary, promotions and discounts can be effective ways to attract new customers to home service businesses, and it's essential to create effective promotions by offering limited-time discounts, bundling services, promoting the promotion effectively, and tracking the results. By doing so, businesses can attract more new customers and ultimately grow their business.

Tip #7 Create content to educate and inform

Creating educational content can be a valuable way for home service businesses to engage with their audience and build trust with potential customers. By providing helpful and informative content, businesses can establish themselves as experts in their field and create a connection with their audience.

One of the most important tips for creating effective educational content is to use visuals. This can include images, infographics, or videos that help to explain complex concepts or demonstrate the business's services in action. By using visuals, businesses can make their content more engaging and easier to understand.

Another effective strategy is to include customer testimonials. This can help to provide social proof of the effectiveness of the business's services and can help to build trust with potential customers. By including real-world examples of how the business has helped its customers, businesses can make their content more relatable and compelling.

Tip #8 Invest in paid advertising

Paid advertising can be a highly effective way for home service businesses to reach their target audience and generate leads. Here are some of the key benefits of paid advertising for home service businesses:

  • Targeted audience: With paid advertising, you can target your ads to specific audiences based on factors such as location, demographics, interests, and behavior. This means you can ensure that your ads are reaching the people most likely to be interested in your services, increasing the likelihood of generating leads.
  • Increased visibility: Paid advertising can help you to stand out from your competitors and increase your visibility in search results or on social media platforms. This can be especially important for new or small businesses that are trying to build their brand.
  • Measurable results: Paid advertising offers the ability to track and measure the performance of your campaigns, allowing you to adjust your strategy and optimize your campaigns for better results. This can help you to maximize your return on investment and ensure that your advertising dollars are being well-spent.

To create effective paid campaigns for home service businesses, here are some tips:

  • Define your target audience: Before launching any paid advertising campaign, it is important to define your target audience. Consider factors such as age, location, income, interests, and behavior to ensure that your ads are reaching the right people.
  • Use compelling ad copy: Your ad copy should be clear, concise, and compelling. Highlight the benefits of your services and use strong calls to action to encourage users to click through to your website or contact you directly.
  • Use high-quality images: Use high-quality images in your ads to grab the attention of users and showcase the quality of your work.
  • Test different ad formats: Experiment with different ad formats, such as display ads, search ads, and social media ads, to see which perform best for your business.
  • Monitor and adjust your campaigns: Continuously monitor the performance of your campaigns and adjust your strategy as needed. This can help you to optimize your campaigns for better results and maximize your return on investment.

Tip #9 Partner with complementary businesses

Partnering with complementary businesses can be a great way for home service businesses to grow their customer base, increase their revenue, and enhance their reputation. Here are some of the key benefits of partnering with complementary businesses:

  • Access to a wider audience: Partnering with complementary businesses allows you to reach a wider audience by tapping into the customer base of your partner businesses.
  • Enhanced credibility: Partnering with reputable and well-established businesses can enhance your own credibility and reputation, as it shows that you are trusted by other businesses in your industry.
  • Cost savings: Partnering with complementary businesses can also help to reduce your marketing and advertising costs, as you can share resources and leverage each other's strengths.

To find and work with partner businesses, here are some tips:

  • Network with other businesses: Attend local business networking events and build relationships with other businesses in your area. This can help you to identify potential partners and build a referral network.
  • Look for complementary businesses: Identify businesses that offer complementary services to your own. For example, if you are a home cleaning service, you could partner with a home organization service, a handyman service, or a pest control service.
  • Create mutually beneficial agreements: Work with your partner businesses to create mutually beneficial agreements that outline the terms of your partnership. This could include referral fees, co-marketing opportunities, or other incentives that benefit both parties.
  • Leverage social media: Use social media to connect with other businesses in your area and promote your partnership. Share each other's content, tag each other in posts, and collaborate on social media campaigns.
  • Monitor and adjust your partnerships: Continuously monitor the performance of your partnerships and adjust your strategy as needed. This can help you to optimize your partnerships for better results and ensure that they continue to be mutually beneficial.

Tip #10 Improve customer experience

Customer experience is crucial for home service businesses as it can have a direct impact on customer satisfaction, retention, and referral rates. Here are some of the key reasons why customer experience is important for home service businesses:

  • Customer loyalty: A positive customer experience can lead to increased customer loyalty, which in turn can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals.
  • Brand reputation: A good customer experience can help to build a positive brand reputation and enhance customer perception of your business.
  • Competitive advantage: In a crowded market, a superior customer experience can be a key differentiator and give your business a competitive advantage.

To improve customer experience for home service businesses, here are some tips:

  • Offer excellent customer service: Focus on providing friendly, responsive, and helpful customer service to all customers. This can include responding promptly to inquiries, addressing concerns in a timely manner, and following up after services have been provided.
  • Be responsive to customer needs: Listen to your customers and be willing to adapt your services to meet their specific needs. This can help to build trust and loyalty with your customers.
  • Train your staff: Make sure that all staff are properly trained in customer service and are knowledgeable about your services. This can help to ensure that customers receive consistent and high-quality service.
  • Communicate clearly: Provide clear and transparent communication throughout the entire customer journey, from initial inquiry to service completion. This can help to manage customer expectations and reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings or confusion.
  • Monitor customer feedback: Encourage customer feedback and monitor customer reviews on platforms such as Yelp or Google. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and adjust your service offerings as needed.
  • Offer value-added services: Consider offering value-added services such as maintenance plans, follow-up inspections, or loyalty programs. These can help to enhance the customer experience and provide additional value to your customers.

By focusing on improving customer experience, home service businesses can build strong customer relationships, differentiate themselves from competitors, and achieve long-term success.

Tip #11 Use video marketing

Video marketing can be a powerful tool for home service businesses as it can help to showcase services, build trust with customers, and increase brand awareness. Here are some of the key benefits of using video marketing for home service businesses:

  • Engaging content: Video content is more engaging than other types of content, as it can convey information quickly and in a visually appealing way.
  • Demonstrating services: Video content can help to demonstrate services in action, giving customers a better understanding of what to expect.
  • Building trust: Video content can help to build trust with customers by showing the people behind the business and providing a more personal touch.
  • Social media reach: Video content is highly shareable and can help to increase brand awareness and reach on social media.

To create effective video content for home service businesses, here are some tips:

  • Keep it short and engaging: Keep videos short and to the point, with a clear message or call-to-action. Use visuals and storytelling to make the content engaging.
  • Show services in action: Use video content to showcase your services in action, demonstrating the value of your business and giving customers a better understanding of what to expect.
  • Optimize for different platforms: Tailor video content to the platform it will be shared on, whether it's YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, or other channels. This can help to increase engagement and reach.
  • Highlight customer testimonials: Incorporate customer testimonials into video content to help build trust and credibility with potential customers.
  • Add captions or subtitles: Add captions or subtitles to video content to make it accessible to a wider audience, including those who may be deaf or hard of hearing.
  • Include a call-to-action: Use video content to drive action, whether it's directing viewers to a website, encouraging them to contact you for a quote, or asking them to share the content with others.

By creating effective video content, home service businesses can increase their reach and engagement, demonstrate the value of their services, and build strong relationships with customers.

Tip #12 Use mail-in fliers

Mail fliers, also known as direct mail marketing, can be a powerful tool for home service businesses. Here are some of the key benefits of using mail fliers:

  • Targeted marketing: Mail fliers allow businesses to target specific demographics or geographic areas, ensuring that the marketing message reaches the right audience.
  • Tangible marketing: Mail fliers provide a tangible and physical marketing piece that can be held and reviewed at the recipient's convenience, making it a powerful and effective marketing tool.
  • Personalization: Mail fliers can be personalized, making them more engaging and relevant to the recipient.
  • High ROI: Direct mail marketing has been shown to have a high return on investment, making it a cost-effective marketing tool for home service businesses.

To create effective direct mail campaigns for home service businesses, here are some tips:

  • Define your target audience: Identify the demographics or geographic areas you want to target, and tailor your mail fliers accordingly.
  • Create a compelling message: Create a clear and compelling message that highlights the value of your services and encourages recipients to take action.
  • Use eye-catching design: Use eye-catching design to capture the recipient's attention and make the flier stand out.
  • Personalize the message: Personalize the message by using the recipient's name, and include any relevant information, such as their location or previous interactions with your business.
  • Include a call-to-action: Include a clear call-to-action that encourages recipients to take action, such as calling for a quote or visiting your website.
  • Test and refine: Test different variations of your mail flier and track the results to refine your strategy and improve your response rate.

By creating effective direct mail campaigns, home service businesses can reach new customers, build brand awareness, and increase their bottom line.

Tip #13 Optimize for mobile

Mobile optimization is crucial for home service businesses as the majority of consumers today use their mobile devices to search for services, make inquiries, and book appointments. Here are some of the key reasons why mobile optimization is important for home service businesses:

  • Increased reach: Mobile optimization can help to increase the reach of your business, as more people are using mobile devices to search for services.
  • Improved user experience: Mobile optimization can improve the user experience for mobile users, making it easier for them to navigate and access information.
  • Competitive advantage: In a crowded market, mobile optimization can be a key differentiator and give your business a competitive advantage.

To optimize for mobile, here are some tips:

  • Use responsive design: Use a responsive design that automatically adjusts to different screen sizes and orientations. This can help to ensure that your website is easily accessible and readable on mobile devices.
  • Optimize for fast loading times: Optimize your website for fast loading times, as slow loading times can lead to higher bounce rates and reduced engagement.
  • Streamline navigation: Simplify your navigation to make it easy for mobile users to find the information they need. This can include reducing the number of menu items or incorporating a search bar.
  • Use clear and concise content: Use clear and concise content that is easy to read on a small screen. Avoid using long paragraphs or complicated language.
  • Optimize for local search: Optimize your website for local search by including location-based keywords and creating local business listings on platforms such as Google My Business.
  • Use mobile-friendly forms: Use mobile-friendly forms that are easy to fill out on a small screen. This can include using drop-down menus and auto-fill options.

By optimizing for mobile, home service businesses can reach more customers, provide a better user experience, and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Tip #14 Use customer reviews and testimonials

Customer reviews and testimonials are a valuable tool for home service businesses to build trust with potential customers and improve their online reputation. Here are some of the key benefits of using customer reviews and testimonials:

  • Builds credibility: Reviews and testimonials from satisfied customers can help to build credibility and trust with potential customers.
  • Improves online reputation: Positive reviews and testimonials can help to improve a business's online reputation, making it easier to attract new customers and retain existing ones.
  • Provides valuable feedback: Reviews and testimonials can provide valuable feedback for businesses, allowing them to improve their services and customer experience.
  • Boosts SEO: Positive reviews and testimonials can help to improve a business's search engine rankings, making it easier for potential customers to find the business online.

To use customer reviews and testimonials effectively, here are some tips:

  • Highlight them on your website: Display customer reviews and testimonials prominently on your website, making it easy for potential customers to see and read them.
  • Encourage customers to leave reviews: Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews by providing a link to your review page or including a request in follow-up communications.
  • Respond to negative reviews: Respond promptly and professionally to negative reviews, addressing any concerns and offering a resolution if possible. This shows that you value customer feedback and are committed to providing excellent service.
  • Use reviews in marketing materials: Incorporate customer reviews and testimonials into your marketing materials, such as brochures, fliers, and social media posts.
  • Provide a variety of reviews: Provide a mix of reviews from different sources, such as Google, Yelp, and Facebook, to show that your business is trusted and respected across multiple platforms.

By using customer reviews and testimonials effectively, home service businesses can build trust and credibility with potential customers, improve their online reputation, and provide valuable feedback for improving their services.

Tip #15 Focus on customer retention

Customer retention is a critical factor for the success of home service businesses. Retaining existing customers is often more cost-effective than acquiring new ones, and loyal customers can provide a steady stream of revenue over time. Here are some of the key benefits of customer retention for home service businesses:

  • Lower costs: It's generally less expensive to retain existing customers than to acquire new ones, which can save businesses money on marketing and advertising costs.
  • Increased revenue: Loyal customers tend to make repeat purchases and may also refer their friends and family, which can lead to increased revenue over time.
  • Positive reputation: Satisfied customers are more likely to leave positive reviews and refer others to the business, which can help to build a positive reputation in the community.
  • Competitive advantage: A strong base of loyal customers can give a business a competitive advantage over other businesses in the same industry.

To improve customer retention, home service businesses can consider the following tips:

  • Offer a loyalty program: A loyalty program can incentivize customers to return to the" repeat purchases. This can include discounts, free services, or other perks.
  • Follow up with customers: Following up with customers after a service has been provided shows that the business cares about their satisfaction and can help to address any issues before they become bigger problems.
  • Provide excellent customer service: Providing excellent customer service is key to retaining customers. This includes being responsive to customer needs, addressing complaints promptly, and going above and beyond to meet their expectations.
  • Offer personalized service: Personalizing the service experience can help to build stronger relationships with customers. This can include remembering their name, preferences, and service history.
  • Communicate regularly: Regular communication can help to keep customers engaged and informed about new services or promotions.

By focusing on customer retention, home service businesses can build a loyal customer base that provides a steady stream of revenue and helps to build a positive reputation in the community.

Tip #16 Become involved with the local community

Investing in local community events is important for home service businesses for a number of reasons. Here are some key reasons:

  • Builds brand recognition: By participating in local community events, home service businesses can increase their brand recognition and visibility in the community.
  • Creates positive associations: By sponsoring or participating in community events, home service businesses can create positive associations with the community and build goodwill.
  • Increases customer loyalty: By showing support for the local community, home service businesses can increase customer loyalty and retention.
  • Provides networking opportunities: By participating in community events, home service businesses can network with other local businesses and potential customers.

To get involved in the local community, home service businesses can consider the following tips:

  • Sponsor a local team or event: Sponsoring a local sports team, festival, or other event can provide visibility and exposure for the business.
  • Volunteer: Volunteering at local events or with local organizations can help to build relationships and increase visibility.
  • Attend local events: Attending local events and networking with other businesses and community members can help to build relationships and increase visibility.
  • Offer discounts or promotions for local residents: Offering discounts or promotions to local residents can help to build goodwill and increase customer loyalty.
  • Support local charities: Supporting local charities or non-profit organizations can help to build a positive reputation and increase visibility in the community.

By investing in the local community, home service businesses can build brand recognition, create positive associations, increase customer loyalty, and provide networking opportunities.

Tip #17 Collaborate with sales and marketing

Effective collaboration between sales and marketing is crucial for the success of home service businesses. Marketing and sales teams need to work together to ensure that the right message is being delivered to the right people at the right time, and that the business is able to generate and close leads effectively. Here are some key reasons why collaboration between sales and marketing is important:

  • Alignment on target audience: Marketing and sales teams need to work together to identify the target audience and create messaging that resonates with them.
  • Efficient lead generation: Marketing and sales teams need to work together to ensure that leads are being generated and that sales has the information they need to close the deal.
  • Effective lead nurturing: Marketing and sales teams need to work together to ensure that leads are being nurtured effectively and that the sales team is able to pick up where marketing leaves off.
  • Consistent messaging: Marketing and sales teams need to work together to ensure that the messaging is consistent across all channels and that the brand is being represented accurately.

To improve collaboration between marketing and sales, home service businesses can consider the following tips:

  • Set shared goals: Marketing and sales teams should have shared goals and objectives that are aligned with the overall business strategy.
  • Communicate regularly: Marketing and sales teams should communicate regularly to ensure that they are on the same page and that each team has the information they need to be successful.
  • Create a lead management process: Marketing and sales teams should work together to create a lead management process that ensures that leads are being followed up on in a timely manner.
  • Align on messaging: Marketing and sales teams should work together to ensure that the messaging is consistent across all channels and that the brand is being represented accurately.
  • Share data: Marketing and sales teams should share data and insights to help improve the lead generation and sales processes.

By improving collaboration between sales and marketing, home service businesses can improve lead generation and nurturing, ensure consistent messaging, and increase overall efficiency and effectiveness. Marketers can work with Sales, Customer Success, and Field Service by setting shared goals, communicating regularly, creating a lead management process, aligning on messaging, and sharing data.

Do you have the systems in place to meet growth needs?

Home service businesses have a lot of opportunities to utilize various tools to help them grow, but often lack the resources they need. Small businesses especially need affordable, multipurpose tools that can relieve some of the burden of day to day operations. Field Service Management systems like Kickserv offer options built right in like integrations with Mailchimp for email marketing, QuickBooks for accounting, a Customer Center where customers can review and approve estimates, pay invoices, request service, and review their service history. All of these things improve the customer experience, so that customers keep returning when they need future service.

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