We’ve been hard at work here at Kickserv, making a LOT of little improvements, and some pretty BIG ones as well. Here are some things you’ll notice as you work.
We’ve made some great additions to Tags. You can now rename and delete tags in the Settings area. More importantly, tagging has been made much easier on Jobs and Contacts. We’ve implemented an autosuggest and redesigned the look.
We’ve also added Tags to the Custom Reports area.
Event Completion
We’ve added event completion into Kickserv. Now, you can mark an event complete from almost anywhere. It’s as simple as clicking the checkmark next to an event.
We’ve also redesigned how completed events are shown on the calendars.
Detailed Resource View
We’ve heard from a lot of our users that they’d love to see more information on the Resources view, and we agree! Now you can choose a detailed view easily.
Improved Date/Time Picker
Our previous date/time picker was a little difficult to use, so we’ve replaced it with a more usable solution, especially on small screens and mobile devices.
Other Improvements
- Improved the layout of Work Orders that are printed from the dashboard
- Improved support for different international locales
- Enabled Lost Opportunities to be reopened
- Allowed for converting Jobs back to Opportunities
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