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Field Service Custom Field Search

Peter McKesson // April 21, 2009

Custom Field Search

Another highly requested feature has launched – searching on custom fields!

Many of our customers make heavy use of custom fields to customize their Kickserv experience. For the uninitiated custom fields can be defined on customers or jobs and can be one of three types: text, dates, and numbers. Once a custom field is defined it appears on the customer or job record and can be filled out.

But filling out the data is only half the story. Retrieving the data is the other half. That’s where searching on custom fields comes into play.

Now on the Search tab there is a new link called “Search custom fields”. Clicking on this link will bring up a dropdown list of all custom fields. Type in a search and pick the custom field and click the Search button. That’s all there is to it!

We hope you enjoy this powerful new feature!

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