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How to upsell home services without upsetting customers

How to upsell home services without upsetting customers

Business Advice
Shannon Ketchum // April 20, 2023

How to grow revenue with existing customers using cross-sell & upsell tactics

Upselling and cross-selling are powerful sales techniques that can help home service businesses increase revenue and improve customer satisfaction. In order to be effective, upselling should be done in an ethical and transparent manner and tailored to the customer's needs. Kickserv® offers powerful tools to help home service businesses do just that. With Kickserv’s field service management software you can; better understand your customer's needs and preferences, set reminders to check in on previous jobs and explore opportunities for upsells, use custom fields to segment customers and send automated emails, and set recurring jobs. Kickserv can help you leverage technology to improve your upselling efforts and increase revenue. Additionally, be sure to follow upselling tips such as being respectful of the customer's budget, being honest and transparent, providing the customer with a clear benefit, and giving the customer time to think. With Kickserv, you can upsell more effectively and provide your customers with a positive experience.

What is upselling?

Upselling is a sales technique used by businesses in which a salesperson encourages a customer to purchase a more expensive product or service, or add on additional items, in order to increase the overall value of the sale. In the context of home service businesses, this might involve suggesting that a customer upgrade to a more advanced service package, purchase additional products or services, or add on extras like extended warranties or maintenance plans.

For example, a home cleaning service might offer a basic package that includes dusting and vacuuming, but suggest that the customer upgrade to a deluxe package that includes additional tasks such as window washing and oven cleaning. Or, a home repair service might suggest that a customer purchase a yearly maintenance plan in addition to the repair service they are seeking.

Upselling can be an effective way for home service businesses to increase revenue and improve customer satisfaction, as long as it is done in an ethical and transparent manner. When done correctly, it can lead to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.

However, if done too aggressively it could result in negative feedback for the business. It's crucial for the business to make sure that the customer understands the benefits of the additional service and has the autonomy to choose whether or not to purchase them.

What is cross-selling?

Cross-selling is a sales technique used by businesses in which a salesperson suggests related products or services to a customer in order to increase the overall value of the sale. It is similar to upselling, but it is done by highlighting complementary items rather than more expensive options.

For example, a home cleaning service might offer a basic package that includes dusting and vacuuming, but suggest that the customer add on additional services such as carpet cleaning or upholstery cleaning. Or, a home repair service might suggest that a customer purchase a new filter for their HVAC system or have their ducts cleaned at the same time as their repair service.

Cross-selling can be a great way for home service businesses to increase revenue and improve customer satisfaction by providing more comprehensive solutions to the customer's needs. It also helps build a long-term relationship and customer loyalty.

As with upselling, it's important to ensure that any cross-selling techniques are done in an ethical and transparent manner, and that customers are fully informed of the costs and benefits of any additional services they may be considering. Additionally, a home service business should only suggest related products or services that they are able to provide and that they believe would genuinely benefit the customer.

7 Ways to upsell home services

There are seven common methods for upselling that can help home service businesses increase revenue while also improving customer satisfaction:

Understand your customer's needs: Before suggesting an upsell, it's important to understand the customer's needs and preferences. By understanding what the customer is looking for, you can suggest an upsell that is tailored to their specific needs and will be more likely to be accepted.

Make it relevant: An upsell is more likely to be accepted if it's relevant to the customer's needs. For example, if a customer is getting their carpets cleaned, suggesting additional services like upholstery cleaning or pet odor removal may be relevant.

Communicate the value: When suggesting an upsell, it's important to communicate the value that the customer will receive. Explain the benefits of the additional service and how it can help them meet their needs.

Be honest and transparent: Be upfront with the customer about the costs of any additional services, and make sure they understand the full scope of the upsell. An honest and transparent approach can help build trust and improve customer satisfaction.

Timing is everything: The timing of an upsell is critical to its success. Ideally, an upsell should be suggested at the point of sale, when the customer is most engaged and the impulse to buy is the strongest.

Create package deals: Instead of offering the services separately, create package deals that include different services, this way you can increase the total value of the sale and make it more appealing for the customer to purchase.

Leverage technology: Technology can be a powerful tool for home service businesses to improve their upselling efforts and increase revenue. In order to be comprehensive, we’ve outlined six methods in which home service businesses can use technology to upsell.

Ways to leverage technology to improve upselling

CRM software: Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software can help businesses better understand their customers' needs and preferences by tracking their job history, demographics, and other data. With Kickserv you can keep track of customers, conversations, and previous jobs and payments, making it easier for anyone to follow up on future opportunities.

Use reminders to upsell: Many field service management solutions offer the ability to set reminders to check in on previous jobs and explore opportunities for new ones. A good practice would be to set a 15 or 30 day follow up task to gauge satisfaction on a previous job, and then inquire about potential other needs. With Kickserv you can easily set these reminders and have them directed to anyone in the company that handles upsell conversations like these.

Email marketing: With Kickserv you can use custom fields or tags to group types of customers, or segment clients off any other field like job completion date or service rendered. With our integration with Mailchimp, you can seamlessly schedule or set up automated emails with regular communications, tips, special offers and seasonal reminders.

Set recurring jobs: Kickserv enables you to schedule recurring jobs, and stay on top of these jobs while sending automated reminders to customers. This way, you can easily manage ongoing business and eliminate scheduling and coordination each time you go out to provide service for that customer.

These are just a few examples of how technology can be used to upsell more effectively, but there are many more. By incorporating technology into your upselling efforts, home service businesses can gain a more complete understanding of your customers and provide them with more personalized and relevant recommendations and stay on top of completed jobs and potential new ones which can ultimately lead to increased revenue and customer satisfaction.

Upselling tips to not upset your customer

With all the tips we’ve provided to upsell efficiently, it’s important for us to also cover how to do so in a capacity that is moral, ethical, and doesn’t upset the customer. Here are a few tips to help you upsell without creating a negative experience:

Be respectful of the customer's budget: Don't suggest an upsell that is out of the customer's price range, as this can create a negative experience and damage the relationship.

Be honest and transparent: Be upfront with the customer about the costs of any additional services, and make sure they understand the full scope of the upsell.

Provide the customer with a clear benefit: Clearly communicate the benefits of the upsell, and make sure the customer understands how it will improve their experience or meet their needs.

Give the customer time to think: Don't rush the customer into an upsell. Give them time to think about it, and let them make the decision at their own pace.

Don't make it mandatory: Don't make an upsell mandatory. Customers should have the freedom to choose what they want, and forcing them to buy something they don't want can lead to negative reviews and backlash.

Follow up: After suggesting an upsell, follow up with the customer to see if they have any additional questions or concerns. This will help build trust and show that you care about their satisfaction.

Don’t be pushy: A more subtle approach could be more effective. Instead of pushing a more expensive service, highlight the added value and benefits it offers. Make sure to communicate that the customer is always in charge of the decision and you are there to help them.

By following these tips, you can upsell more effectively without risking upsetting your customer and damaging the relationship. Remember that the most important thing is to make sure that your customer is satisfied with their experience, whether they choose to take the upsell or not.

Looking to increase your business's upsell rate?

The best customer is an existing customer. Following some simple cross-sell and upsell tactics, utilizing the right software to help you implement those programs, and then being respectful of the customer will lead you to increased revenue and more loyal customers that benefit from your dedicated attention.

To learn more about Kickserv, visit our Tools section on our site.

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